What Is Chinen Salt? Is It Good for Diabetes?
Chinen salt is a supplement that has recently become very common in use, especially among patients with Type 2 diabetes. Asian healers have been using Chinen salt to treat diabetes for thousands of years. It is becoming increasingly popular among traditional therapies, despite the fact that it has no place in modern medicinal practices.
In this article, we will answer questions like "What is Chinen salt?", "What is Chinen salt used for?", "Is it healthy?" as well as explain its benefits, harms, and relationship with diabetes.
What Is Chinen Salt?
Chinen salt is a Himalayan salt with a high concentration of medicinal berberine. It's made from the herb Coptis Chinensis, from which the word "Chinen salt" comes from. Coptis Chinensis is primarily composed of berberine, but it also includes iron, sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, and monosodium glutamate.
Contrary to common belief, Chinen salt is a dietary supplement. Despite the fact that it contains compounds that are chemically known as salts, it isn't a table salt.
What Is Chinen Salt Used For?
The most common argument made about Chinen salt is that it can cure diabetes. The minerals in Chinen salt are thought to help regulate and balance blood sugar levels, and Asian healers have long used it as an insulin replacement. This, however, has never been proved scientifically.
Chinen Salt And Diabetes
To understand the relationship between Chinen salt and diabetes, it is necessary to first learn about diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin hormones or when the insulin hormone that is produced is ineffective.
Insulin is responsible for transferring sugar from the bloodstream to the cells. Sugar in the blood cannot be completely transported to the cells because not enough insulin is released. There are 2 types of diabetes defined: Type 1 and type 2.
In type 1 diabetes, genetic factors are effective. It is difficult to prevent Type 1 diabetes if a person's genes create an environment that allows it to develop. It usually affects people under the age of 30. The disease can be seen even in childhood.
Type 1 diabetes is characterized by a complete lack of insulin. Unfortunately, type 1 diabetes patients would not benefit from Chinen salt. Helping the body to produce insulin is not one of the Chinen salt benefits.
In type 2 diabetes, excess insulin is released by the pancreas to balance excessive sugar intake. Insulin resistance develops over time in the body. In other words, unlike Type 1 diabetes, there is a lot of insulin in the body, but it can't do what it's supposed to do because of resistance. Inefficient insulin naturally raises blood sugar levels because it does not reduce blood sugar enough.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes in people over the age of 30. The condition may not display clinical signs for several years in this form of diabetes. An infection in the later years of life, surgery, pregnancy, stress, or being overweight may be resulting in clinical diabetes. It is diagnosed when blood sugar levels are consistently above 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/L) and fasting sugar levels are consistently above 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L).
90% of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes affects an estimated 462 million people worldwide, accounting for nearly 6.3% of the global population. 7.2 million people with diabetes are unaware of their condition, and a growing number of young people are being diagnosed with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.
Berberine has been shown in some trials to be as effective as Metformin, a well-known pharmaceutical widely used for diabetes treatment, in the treatment of diabetes. It’s claimed that berberine, the active compound in Chinen salt, helps lower blood sugar levels and protect against type 2 diabetes complications.
Berberine may potentially help people with prediabetes prevent diabetes by raising insulin sensitivity and decreasing liver sugar release. However, there are no scientific Chinen salt studies to back up this claim.
On the other hand, there is a lot of data that reduces blood sugar levels. Another issue arises as a result of this. Berberine can cause uncontrolled blood sugar drops when combined with diabetes drugs.
Just as when blood sugar levels rise too high, the patients may find themselves in a life-threatening situation if they fall too low. Therefore, it is vital to consult a doctor before using food supplements containing berberine, such as Chinen salt, together with the drugs.
Is Chinen Salt Healthy? What Are The Benefits And Harms?
Many diabetics use Chinen salt to treat diabetes, but there is currently no absolute cure for diabetes. The disease can only be managed or temporary relief given to the patient with medication and supplements like Chinen salt.
Besides the effects of berberine on blood sugar, some other Chinen salt benefits are claimed. Berberine is used to cure high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, treat burns, canker sores, liver disorders, and a variety of other ailments, but there's no clinical evidence to back up many of these claims.
It's important to keep in mind that these are so-called Chinese salt benefits. On the other hand, some Chinen salt studies have shown the negative effects of using it. Chinen salt contains monosodium glutamate (MSG) as well as berberine.
Excess consumption of MSG in a single meal can cause temporary side effects in people who are sensitive to MSG, such as headaches, numbness/tingling, redness, muscle pain, and general weakness.
While consuming the proper amount is not harmful, excessive use of MSG may harm the kidneys, retina, nervous system, and memory system, as well as trigger allergies. People with hypertension, kidney disease, or a history of allergies should avoid it. This substance should be avoided by children and pregnant women in particular.
How To Use Chinen Salt?
Chinen salt capsules are the most common method to consume it. While Chinen salt is not a type of salt that can be used for purely domestic use, some companies have begun to market it in the form of crystal powder due to the strong interest of diabetics and the belief that it is more beneficial than common salt.
It should be noted that adding Chinen salt to food can cause severe health problems because the dose is uncontrollable. As a result, after consulting with a doctor, Chinen salt capsules with a specific dose should be preferred.
Besides, you can learn the healing properties of salt by clicking here. And also, click to take a look at product varieties of Koyuncu Salt, the largest salt producer of Turkey.